Friday, July 1, 2011

disposible versus sterilizing

 We are a totally disposible shop.All supplies used to do a tattoo at magnolia ink and gifts are single use.We beleave that is the safest and best way to protect our clients.there can be errors in sterilizing and reusing traditional equiptment ,by being single use we remove the chance of error.therefore we can give our clients beautiful art and peace of mind at the same time.In this day and age all shops should convert to this method.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tattoo is a life style

Was a good day at the shop today.We hung a lot of new flash  and some more lights on the out side of the building things are really coming together.The Apprentices are working hard but the new lifestyle is wearing on them a little. We make what we do look easy to the general public.But they only spend a few hours tops with us at a time.But its an entirely different thing when you spend  eight to twelve hours a day at the shop.The dedication required to be a tattoo artist is hard to find in the beginning.One has to spend a lot of time at the shop to develop the right mind set.There are always repetitive chores.always drawings to be done.And the shop has to always come first .Every one asks me why I always have two or three apprentices?That's simple not all of them make it to being an Artist.Only the ones willing to go that extra mile and make those sacrifices will bear the title of Tattoo Artist. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shop life

We had a very busy day at the shop yesterday.gave me a chance to see my new apprentices at work they were a little over whelmed at first.but fell right in after a few minutes .They spent the first part of the day in class learning machine parts and function.And ended the day assisting us during tattoos,and finally but far from least closing cleanup.As I reflect back on the day I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing I am helping to further a better standard in tattooing through educating the next generation of artists and still keeping the old values.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Another good day

Today was a good day at the shop.Tested the Apprentices on work station set up and general tattoo knowledge .I'm glad to say they did very well.They are picking up good sterile practices.We rearranged the waiting room ,its more comfy now.worked on Kenneth's sugar skull did the black work.Its coming along nice.It will be really colorful when done.The new apprentice Tim got his eyebrow pierced.suits him well.Their enthusiasm has me wanting something new. hmmmm...what to get i wonder could use some good suggestions.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Busy Day

Was a busy day at the shop today .Took on a new Apprentice,the next generation of tattooing.His name is Tim .He just graduated high scool and wants to be a Tattoo Artist.He is already a artist and quiet good to never have had any formal training.This is my favorite kind of apprentice .No bad habits.Just a clean slate.Lets see how he does.This will be a lot of fun since teaching is something I enjoy doing.It will be a lot of hard work,but a little hard work never hurt no one .I did a lovely old school sparrow all black work today, was my clients first tattoo.Was a good experience she sat quiet well.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Skin You always wanted

Do you have streach marks or maybe an unsightly scar that you wish you could hide? Have you ever considered tattoo? Tattoos arent just beautiful pieces of art. They can also desquise inperfections in the skin. a few years ago one of my friends and i were at the pool,and she remarked how she wished she could still wear a two piece bathing suit,but was too ashamed of a large scar she had from a invasive surgery she had undergone.I suggested tattooing over the scar.she agreed and now she wears a two piece bathing suit again.

Tattoo shop regulations

My husband and I just opened a tattoo shop in La.And La. like many states today has certain health dept regs that must be met before one can open a shop  they address sterility,shop repair,and well as artist bloodborne pathogene and C.P.R. and A.E.D. training. once these thing are in place the health dept will issue you a permit to tattoo.But here comes the kicker,no one ever bothers to see if you can really tattoo.their are no tests .no reviews,no questions about the art.where you learned,who taught you,no portfolio review. I feel like this is  the problem of so many tattoo shop and so few real artists.